Hank and I do not have any kids yet but I would like to introduce you to 2 new members of our family. (one that didn't last very long). Never know what type of new "pets" you pick up while living in the country. Now most "pets" are welcome and don't bother me to much if they stick around for a little while, but one of our new additions sent me screaming through the house! I'm sorry to say our family is back down to 7 instead of 8.

I would like to introduce you to Charlotts(as in web) evil cousin Herman. Herman was not the most friendly pet. And to be honest he was kind of a messy guest, he even had the nerve to leave one of his incredibly sticky strong web stings across my doorway. So when I walked outside it stuck right to my face making me instantly freak out! (Don't even act like this has never happened to you!) Then I look up and EEK!!!!!......there he be. He was just making himself right at home. Sorry Herman I couldn't keep you, I would never have a good nights rest knowing you were crawling around somewhere along my house. R.I.P Herman and please let your family know your kind is not welcome here! ( I also had to point out the size of this sucker!!!! See the other spider in its web?? That was actually a pretty regular sized spider. See how much bigger Herman is!)

Now these three little ugly ducklings swallows have made a nice little home for themselves above my back door. Well I guess it's not their fault it was their mother that picked the location of where their home was to be built. As much fun as it has been to have piles of bird poop on my back step I am ready for these little babies to leave the nest! I don't have the heart to knock it down while they are still living there. But I will need to hide it if my mother in law comes over while they are still living there. She is stronger then I am, she knocks down any nest in sight of her house. They are kinda shy, I took a number of pictures but never could get a picture of all three. The one you can see on the far left.... that's Tiki and other two are Lola and Kiki. I sure hope I have not offended them, do to the fact that I do not if they are male or female. Not sure how to tell on a bird???
If you're a little confused on the # of our family, I was counting Hank and I...that's 2, we have 2 dogs Zipper and Ziggy...that's 4, Tiki Lola and Kiki....that makes 7.
Sure hope I'm not the only one who has been getting a few extra little house quests the last little while. You can tell it's getting close fall when all the things that live outside start trying to live inside. Hope everyone is enjoying the almost change of seasons.....kinds feels like the mother nature can't make up her mind yet about what to do. I'm voting for a change to fall!