Tuesday, May 14, 2013

He's one year old and wiser to!

Monday was Hank's birthday....the day started out early ( I don't know the time.....to early is all I know) Hank got to open one gift in the morning....( got to drag out the fun right) After he opened his present he headed off to work and I rolled back over and slept for another 10ish minutes until my alarm went off. What a great wife I am huh.
I had fun wrapping this one. There was one more layer on top of this and three under. Took me about 30 minutes to wrap, and about just as long for him to unwrap it ha ha......but it was wrapped in love.
Almost there...

I forgot to buy candles... so cardboard and tissue paper had to work

After work surprise...( actually, after the shower surprise. Hank came home earlier then I expected)

WARNING...Mushy wife bragging ahead

There are to many to count, but a few reasons why I love this man...because I know you were wondering
1. He always makes me laugh
2. He's brave.....he never screams when we have unexpected mice run across our floor. And he always empties the traps for me.( And he hasn't chased me with any dead mouse traps in a long long time)
3.He has a huge heart.
4. He makes ordering food at a restaurants so much easier....he usually gets the other meal I'm torn between getting....and he always lets me have a bite.....or two....or three :)
5. He lets me sleep where ever I want in bed...and yes, I will admit usually it  is on his side, and  halfway on top of him at times in the night.
6. Even though he HATES it he will let me warm my feet up on him ( most days)
7. He loves his family!
8. He's always there when I need something off the top shelf
9. He lets me sleep with the fan on every night.....year round.
10. He lets me listen to the radio as loud as I want in the car
11. He sings to the radio in the car ( one of the first things I loved about him when we were dating)
12. He's my own personal Bob the Builder. Always there to fix the things I break.
13.He never complains when I take all the hot water in the shower ( in my defense there is never a whole lot to start with)
14. He lets me go to work with him and ride in the tractor even though it is DEFIANTLY a one person tractor.
15. He is a hard worker.
16. He always gives me a goodbye and hello kiss.
17. Even when I'm moody he still he loves me! ( Not a easy thing to do some days)
okay so there is a few more then a few....but its hard to stop at two or three......

I am so grateful for this man, and am so glad that he is willing to grow old and wrinkly with me.

Here's to a great 26th year!!!!