I found this quote not to long ago, from the moment I read it I fell in love with it!
(Such a good quote huh!!!)
There are times in life where... sorry there is no other way to put it..... SUCK! But after the suck-ie part of life has past looking in hind sight I see all the blessing that came from the suck-ie time. Growing up whenever I would complain about....well anything girls come up with to complain about (which is endless some days) my mom would always say "count your blessings" (Which would drive me crazy). Such a simple concept but so easy to forget. So lately I have been trying my best to take my moms great advice.
I AM so incredibly blessed. I have a wonderful supportive husband, bills are paid, a warm home in winter, a semi cool house in summer, comfy bed, pinterest account (don't judge, It helps make yummy food), running car, 2 dogs, stray cats (to eat the evil mice!), food in my fridge, an amazing family, and I live in a great community. And the list goes on!
My mom is such a smart lady! So instead of being bitter through the "suck-ie" times I am challenging myself (and anyone reading)to focus on blessings from the start.