Sunday, March 23, 2014


I found this quote not to long ago, from the moment I read it I fell in love with it! 
(Such a good quote huh!!!)
There are times in life where... sorry there is no other way to put it..... SUCK! But after the suck-ie part of life has past looking in hind sight I see all the blessing that came from the suck-ie time. Growing up whenever I would complain about....well anything girls come up with to complain about (which is endless some days) my mom would always say "count your blessings" (Which would drive me crazy). Such a simple concept but so easy to forget. So lately I have been trying my best to take my moms great advice.
  I AM so incredibly blessed. I have a wonderful supportive husband, bills are paid, a warm home in winter, a semi cool house in summer, comfy bed, pinterest account (don't judge, It helps make yummy food), running car, 2 dogs, stray cats (to eat the evil mice!), food in my fridge, an amazing family, and I live in a great community. And the list goes on!
My mom is such a smart lady! So instead of being bitter through the "suck-ie" times I am challenging myself (and anyone reading)to focus on blessings from the start. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

1 year...2 years...3 years...4!!!!

Hank and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary over the weekend (HOLY CRAP!).
We ate chocolate cake on our wedding day soooooo why not eat chocolate cake 4 years later

After some road rage due to the lack of parking in Salt Lake City, we were able to enjoy a fun dinner with an old missionary companion and his sweet wife. Of course Olive Garden (a anniversary dinner tradition) made up for the oh-so-suck-ie drive to get there! YUMMM-O!
Enjoying the Saint Patty's Day Parade!
So happy to be seated finally! Enjoying dinner with my handsome hubster at Texas Road house.

My friend had her baby about three weeks ago, it I was so fun to be able to spend some time with her and her sweet baby boy Owen!
Getting some baby snuggles in before we had to get back on the road!

On the way home we stopped for a visit at Zeb and Jami's (bro and sis in law). It was so fun to see them and the kiddos! Thanks for letting us crash your Sunday. 

I am so blessed to be married to such a hard working, funny, handsome, selfless, strong, handy (because I break a lot of stuff), funny, smart man!