Thursday, August 30, 2012

When the lights go out....

You And Me Goin Fishing Caving In The Dark....

It's just my luck that just a little bit ago we had a relief society activiy and part of the things they highlighted were about being prepaired. They had 72 hour kits and water supplies there for demonstration......things you need in case there is a emergency. I sat there and listened thinking "huh......this is all very good information, maybe I should get my big butt in gear and get prepaired". Well thats about as far as it got....a thought ! Well as my luck has it Sunday I am at home after church making dinner JUST about to stick it in the oven when..........BAM......the power goes out. I had already pre heated the oven ( only smart thing I did ) so I stuck dinner in there hoping it would warm through because I was starving,  grumpy, and ready for some grub! The power has gone out a few times in the last couple months but the longest it has been out is about 5 minutes so I was expecting it to be the same. A big storms starts coming in and I had a feeling that this actually could last a while. This was at about 2:30 when the power went out.....and hour later I took dinner out and it was warm so we ate. Still no power.......then Hank and I start talking about what we should do.....card game??....naw it's not fun with only two people. Watch a movie?.....dang still no power. (Somehow almost everything we thought of to do needed power, shows we would not survive very long without power) So we thought well......lets go for a drive. Hank and I pretty regularly take sunday drives I LOVE THEM! We drove around for a couple hours......once that gets boring what else is there to do when there is no guns in the truck......WE GO CHECK OUT SOME CAVES!!! Reason # to many to count why I love living in the country.
This cave might not took to cool from here....but it goes pretty deep. You have to go down a rather narrow tunnel to get to another big opening. Its pretty darn cool. Hank brought me here when we were first dating.

Hank giving me his best "cheeser smile"

We didn't make it all the way down to the bottom....we kinda were not prepaired to go caving ether. I was  in flip flops, Hank in his slippers. And of course.....we didn't bring a flash light. I was not to excited to crawl down a narrow tunnel not knowing what I may crawl into....snake, MOUSE, any other wild creature. I don't care who you are, if you had somthing jump out on ya in the dark it would scare you to!( and yes I am pretty much a scardy cat) I just figure.....narrow wild whatever....there is no fast get away! So we I decided it would be smart not to go all the way down.
Well after our little Sunday drive we went back home, it was about 6 now....STILL NO POWER!! By this point it was starting to get dark. I start to think........UHHHHHHHH-OHHHHH.....I DON'T EVEN HAVE A FLASH LIGHT! Hank then says "oh no big deal, just light a candle"........I DON'T EVEN HAVE A CANDLE, I USE SCENTSY, and those need POWER!!! Well the moral of this post is folks don't just think about getting prepaire....GET PREPAIRED. I'll be ready for the next power out now!!!! (FYI the power didn't come on until the middle of the night)

1 comment:

  1. Haha! that is funny.Next time before you leave the house make sure Hank has shoes on. I am glad you got to eat even though it was just warm. Don't worry I am not sure I have candles and flashlights either. I need to do better at that too! good reminder!!
