AWH.......FALL IS IN THE AIR!!!! I love fall.....almost as much as I love winter. After waking up this morning in a grumpy mood, Hank came in to give me a kiss goodbye before he left for work. The first thing he said to me is "IT'S COLD OUTSIDE"......awh.....I love those words. I'm not a fan of summer...heat...BLAH! Don't get me wrong I like the green and everything being pretty, but cold and gloomy days make me happy! The weather this week is supposed in the 60's.....THE 60'S!!!!!! Again......awh!!!!!! I'm excited to have the leaves change and to see all the beautiful colors.
The wind is really blowing today, which is not ideal but I can handle that! Hopefully the wind doesn't last to long.....I don't mind it, but my poor Hank has to work out in it all day!
(almost time to pull out the long johns :)!!!!)
This picture gives you the idea of how hard the wind is blowing.....this poor little tree may just snap in half by the end of the day
I love the fall as well... but I can't say the same about winter! I hate having to brace myself for the cold before going outside!