Sunday, December 2, 2012

I'm dreaming of a white christmas

I have done all I can do to get into the Christmas spirit. Tree up and decorated....CHECK.....piano all decked out in lights and decorations....CHECK.......make new Christmas decorations (thanks pinterest) Christmas music 24/7.....CHECK......Christmas shopping done.....CHECK.  So I have been wondering....where is my Christmas spirit, I have done all the steps!!!?! I have come to the conclusion its because.........THERE IS NO SNOW!!!!! I can settle grudgingly with no snow till the week of   Christmas but after that....if there is no snow I fear I may have to break out my snow dance until I get some! Sorry for the rant but this girl waits ALL year for the month of December, I just love the feeling I get when this time of year comes around.  I guess I will just have to break out the Christmas movies and hope that does the trick!
Hope everyone is getting into the Christmas spirit better then I am, if not......feel free to join in my snow dance starting the week of Christmas!


  1. It can snow all it wants on the grass and stuff, but please dont snow on the roads...I HATE driving in it :)! I guess you just need to invest in a fake snow maker that they have on ski mountains, haha!

  2. No no no no no. I'm fine with keeping the snow away as long as possible! Give me a white Christmas, and MAYBE even a white Christmas Eve. But after that, bring on the sunny weather!

  3. I agree with you on that Jami.....I HATE HATE HATE driving on bad roads. Keep that idea in mind if Hank ever calls you asking what to get me ;)'re no fun! Sunny weather is not fun......its HOT! Me and hot don't get along!
