Sunday, August 24, 2014

He or she.....which will it be??????

On August 20th Hank and I got to see our little one for the first time in what feels like forever. This was our 4th ultrasound; the first three were pretty close together so I never had to wait to long before we got to peek in and see how things were going. Needless to say I got spoiled! Waiting 8 weeks between peeks about drove me mad!
This peek was extra fun because we got to find out what we are having!

(3D ultrasounds kinda freak me out, they makes babies look a little alien-ish. Have to say alien-ish looking boy is pretty darn cute! )
 Little stink didn't like us snooping in. Those little arms never came down long enough for a good whole body picture. I sure love this little guy!
Hank and I couldn't be more excited!


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Baby B

This summer has flown by! Have to say I have never had a summer like this before. If you didn't know it by now Hank and I are having a baby!
          Baby B made its presents known from very early on by way of morning sickness (a man totally made that name up)! As hard as it has been to deal with being sick 24/7 it has been so wonderful! My Dr reminds me sick mama means growing baby so it helps when I get grumpy about it. Hank has been such a trooper through the whole thing. A messy house, dinner made once a week(if lucky) , no clean cloths, overgrown grass, and a grumpy wife are not easy things for me to live with. But Hank hasn't complained a bit!
        Baby B is proving to be a very picky eater, fruits and veggies and of course ice cream are what our meal plan usually consists of. Slowly I am able to eat a few meats here and there. Yay for new foods!
          Hank and I feel very blessed with the Dr's we have. With the issues I have and have had in the past made me extremely nervous going into this pregnancy. But my Dr's have been wonderful to calm my pregnancy jitters!
          7 days and counting till we find out if Baby B is a Baby he or a Baby she!