Monday, October 22, 2012

It's Corn Chopping Time!

Can I just mention again how much I love living Dietrich!!!   Hank and I lived a different life while we lived in Twin Falls. City life was not good for either of us! With us both working indoor jobs, going to school, never seeing each other due to jobs and school...BLAH. Needless to say I was MORE then ready when we decided that moving to Dietrich was the right thing to do.  True I still don't see Hank a lot because he is always working, but now.......I can just go to work with him!!!!! I love this time of year! We started chopping corn a couple weeks ago, it may not be everybody's favorite thing to do around here....but for me....I LOVE IT! I was not able to go ride with Hank as much as I would have liked to, but life is a little busier this year for me.
                                  I was able to go spend a whole day being Hank's little tag a long.
The day started in the truck. We would follow right beside the chopper while uncle John filled us up.

The view from my seat.

What the days diet consisted of

My job was pretty ruff!
After a while we had to switch out jobs and we started packing pit. Not my favorite thing....I'm a wimp! But we still had a good time. 

Pic on the left is from the bottom..........then going up. It's a little steeper then I liked!

Look how high we are
See them hay bails....yeah, we're taller!


Can you see why this might not be my favorite job. It's hard to tell, but you get darn near the edge

Christine (mother in law) adding more corn to our mountain
These next 3 pictures go together. After Christine finished unloading her truck she went to get back into her was locked.

. If you can't tell.......this truck is very tall; so its a climb

I love her face here....finally got it unlocked. Christine cracks me up!
I'm totally bummed I had to take these from inside the tractor so they are not very clear

Squashed in a tractor together for about 3 hours with my husband = a very happy wife!
I have a pretty amazing life!

Monday, October 15, 2012

I LoVe To SeE tHe TeMpLe

Today I was able to go to the Boise Temple open house with the Young women and men. I was recently put into the YW as a Beehive advisor. It doesn't seem very long ago I was a Beehive myself so it's kinda hard to think of myself as a leader. It was so fun to see all the youth walk through this beautiful temple. These kids spent their day off of school to go and experience this, and for that I am very proud of them!
     Dietrich 2nd Branch YW & YM

Such a beautiful Temple (stupid no parking sign.....messed up my picture)

On the way home we had to make a pit stop in Gooding to wet our whistles( AKA we were thirsty)
We could be wind blown coca cola slurpee models now couldn't we ;)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It's (Almost) The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

AWH.......FALL IS IN THE AIR!!!! I love fall.....almost as much as I love winter. After waking up this morning in a grumpy mood, Hank came in to give me a kiss goodbye before he left for work. The first thing he said to me is "IT'S COLD OUTSIDE"......awh.....I love those words. I'm not a fan of summer...heat...BLAH! Don't get me wrong I like the green and everything being pretty, but cold and gloomy days make me happy! The weather this week is supposed in the 60's.....THE 60'S!!!!!! Again......awh!!!!!! I'm excited to have the leaves change and to see all the beautiful colors.
The wind is really blowing today, which is not ideal but I can handle that! Hopefully the wind doesn't last to long.....I don't mind it, but my poor Hank has to work out in it all day!
                                                (almost time to pull out the long johns :)!!!!)
This picture gives you the idea of how hard the wind is blowing.....this poor little tree may just snap in half by the end of the day