Sunday, November 2, 2014

It's the final countdown!!!

And the countdown is on!
10 weeks!!!!
sorry for the crappy picture, my phone is a little on the stinky side when it comes to this department.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Auntie time

My oldest sister and mom took a trip to visit my aunt. So I got to have two of my nephews stay with Hank and I for a couple days. It was a good little prep for my future with a little boy. (my future looks to be busy) boys are so much fun. The boys had fun doing different things on the farm
to start off..... we let "animals" in our house. Gotta love old farm houses.

playing at the park
after we had ice cream with uncle hank
We spent lots of time at my in laws house (that's where all the animals are). We got to spend time with horses cows.

no horses rides for this guy. Darn allergies!
finger painting fun
Uncle Hank teaching Carter to rope

These boys got up early so they could go feed cows with Hank. (no girls allowed...... how rude!) 
headed to work in the pickup.
 I love being a aunt, and getting to spend time with these boys just made me love it even more.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Piano Lessons

I just started my 3rd year of teaching piano this month. This is from our end of the year recital we had back in May.
Teaching piano has been such a growing experience for me. I have learned so much; and with every student I learn something new ....even if it is to re-learn the skill of patience.  I am grateful for the opportunity I have to teach all these kiddos.
Bring on the new year!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The good life.

Last week I was able to go spend some time with Hank while he was swathing hay. Our swather is very much a one seater but I don't mind. My seat is on the floor between the door and the seat. The company makes it totally worth a numb tushie!
my view

love when I get to tag along with this handsome dude!

That evening we were able to go on a date to the temple.  We ended the night with dinner at Sizzler.
Being a farmers wife is not always easy but days like these make it all worth it!
I am very blessed!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Baby Zoi

August 18th the Koyle/Whittle family got just a little bit sweeter! My sister Gentry and brother in law Thomas welcomed a new baby girl into their family.
Zoi Joan Whittle
This baby girl couldn't get any cuter. I had to wait two whole weeks to hold her because I came down with a cold the day she was born......THE DAY! She was totally worth the wait. I never heard a single peep out of her the whole day.
Welcome to the family baby Zoi

Sunday, August 24, 2014

He or she.....which will it be??????

On August 20th Hank and I got to see our little one for the first time in what feels like forever. This was our 4th ultrasound; the first three were pretty close together so I never had to wait to long before we got to peek in and see how things were going. Needless to say I got spoiled! Waiting 8 weeks between peeks about drove me mad!
This peek was extra fun because we got to find out what we are having!

(3D ultrasounds kinda freak me out, they makes babies look a little alien-ish. Have to say alien-ish looking boy is pretty darn cute! )
 Little stink didn't like us snooping in. Those little arms never came down long enough for a good whole body picture. I sure love this little guy!
Hank and I couldn't be more excited!


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Baby B

This summer has flown by! Have to say I have never had a summer like this before. If you didn't know it by now Hank and I are having a baby!
          Baby B made its presents known from very early on by way of morning sickness (a man totally made that name up)! As hard as it has been to deal with being sick 24/7 it has been so wonderful! My Dr reminds me sick mama means growing baby so it helps when I get grumpy about it. Hank has been such a trooper through the whole thing. A messy house, dinner made once a week(if lucky) , no clean cloths, overgrown grass, and a grumpy wife are not easy things for me to live with. But Hank hasn't complained a bit!
        Baby B is proving to be a very picky eater, fruits and veggies and of course ice cream are what our meal plan usually consists of. Slowly I am able to eat a few meats here and there. Yay for new foods!
          Hank and I feel very blessed with the Dr's we have. With the issues I have and have had in the past made me extremely nervous going into this pregnancy. But my Dr's have been wonderful to calm my pregnancy jitters!
          7 days and counting till we find out if Baby B is a Baby he or a Baby she!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Alan Koyle Family Reunion

July 4th kicked off my sibling family reunion! 
 We started out at the Jerome Swimming pool. That evening we had a yummy BBQ at my Grandma & Grandpa Thornocks house. This dinner was extra fun because Hank and I got to break the baby news to my family! 

Saturday we drove to go feed the sturgeons. There was a nice park to picnic in then we were off to see some fish! There was a place where you could walk down and see under the water. It was pretty neat. All the kids made it out with all there fingers. Only one kid thought to stick his finger in the water while holding bread. He thought it was pretty funny till one of the fish tried to eat some finger food. ( No blood or anything, just made him think twice before trying that again)
Saturday night we had a baby shower for my sister Gentry. I left my phone in the car so I got no pictures! We made waffle iron brownies and topped it with ice cream with a bunch of different toppings. OHHHH sooo good! It was a fun time to celebrate with Gent and I am so excited to meet her "Whittle" girl!

Monday we were off to the river. The kids had such a blast. I was bad at taking pictures, but I was able to snap a few. It was so stinkin hot so the cold water felt amazing!
Look at that bed head babe!

We always go bowling. This years trip turned more into a dance off. Carli has some serious moves! All the babies enjoyed the music! Of course before the ride home we had to stop and get some yummy ice cream to cool off from all the dancing/bowling.
I am so grateful for the family I have! We always have a great time together and we are not able to be ALL together very often so the time we do have it always super loud and fun! Already looking forward to next year!

Friday, July 11, 2014


So as you can see, Hank and I have some changes coming. 
We couldn't be more excited!
Expected to arrive January 2015

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

FlOwEr PoWeR!

Well it's that time again.....flower planting time!!!! I look forward to starting my seeds all year long.( Even if this is only my second year) This year I was excited to try a bunch of new flowers. Lots of these flowers I had never heard of but hey they were pretty so why not!
I started saving toilet paper rolls last June to get ready for this flower season. Well I still ran out. I guess two people just don't go through enough T.P.

In my defense I started the season out with a reasonable amount of plants.
These are goodly spaced

 But.....I just kept finding room on the table.
Little squishier

My petunia's after about a month ( these sucker's are slooooow)
Squished...had to add another little table

Why not use the window ledge as a table to.
State fair Zinnia 13 days after being planted ( WAY faster then Petunia seeds)
My brother in law thinks I am totally white trash for using my trash to plant flowers in ( It was the perfect size to fit here)
FLOWERS!!! Finally my Petunias grew

So squishy!

I couldn't get back far enough to get all the tables in the same picture. 

So I do agree I went alot a little overboard. In the end I had 326 containers of flowers. All I can say is my husband is an extremely patient man. He even helped me haul all of these in every night from outside so they wouldn't freeze. (like I said....patient!)
I started the planting process last Saturday (YAY!!! I am ready!!) and so far all are surviving! It will take me a while get them all planted but I am excited to see them grow!

If I show up unexpectedly at some of you reading this houses with flowers....its because I ran out of dirt.....

Sunday, March 23, 2014


I found this quote not to long ago, from the moment I read it I fell in love with it! 
(Such a good quote huh!!!)
There are times in life where... sorry there is no other way to put it..... SUCK! But after the suck-ie part of life has past looking in hind sight I see all the blessing that came from the suck-ie time. Growing up whenever I would complain about....well anything girls come up with to complain about (which is endless some days) my mom would always say "count your blessings" (Which would drive me crazy). Such a simple concept but so easy to forget. So lately I have been trying my best to take my moms great advice.
  I AM so incredibly blessed. I have a wonderful supportive husband, bills are paid, a warm home in winter, a semi cool house in summer, comfy bed, pinterest account (don't judge, It helps make yummy food), running car, 2 dogs, stray cats (to eat the evil mice!), food in my fridge, an amazing family, and I live in a great community. And the list goes on!
My mom is such a smart lady! So instead of being bitter through the "suck-ie" times I am challenging myself (and anyone reading)to focus on blessings from the start. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

1 year...2 years...3 years...4!!!!

Hank and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary over the weekend (HOLY CRAP!).
We ate chocolate cake on our wedding day soooooo why not eat chocolate cake 4 years later

After some road rage due to the lack of parking in Salt Lake City, we were able to enjoy a fun dinner with an old missionary companion and his sweet wife. Of course Olive Garden (a anniversary dinner tradition) made up for the oh-so-suck-ie drive to get there! YUMMM-O!
Enjoying the Saint Patty's Day Parade!
So happy to be seated finally! Enjoying dinner with my handsome hubster at Texas Road house.

My friend had her baby about three weeks ago, it I was so fun to be able to spend some time with her and her sweet baby boy Owen!
Getting some baby snuggles in before we had to get back on the road!

On the way home we stopped for a visit at Zeb and Jami's (bro and sis in law). It was so fun to see them and the kiddos! Thanks for letting us crash your Sunday. 

I am so blessed to be married to such a hard working, funny, handsome, selfless, strong, handy (because I break a lot of stuff), funny, smart man!