Monday, October 21, 2013

FAMILY Pictures 2013

I felt silly wanting to get family pictures done this year. It kinda felt like we were taking engagement pictures again .  After 3 1/2 years of being married, all the pictures hung in my house are our wedding pictures. And things have changed a little in the past 3 ish years . We've struggled together, celebrated together, got angry AT each other; but the best part is we grew together! So why not document those changes.  I look at these pictures and I see a lot more then just two people. 3 1/2ish years ago we took engagement pictures as a soon to be married couple. This day we took pictures of a family!
I am so grateful for my awesome sister in law Bonnie for taking these pictures! 

                                     I love my little family!


  1. These pictures are adorable!! Sadly we haven't taken any pictures since we were engaged either. You've inspired me to get on that!

  2. Your photos turned out great! Love reading your blog :)

  3. just stalking your guys are DANG SEXY!! I love these pics!
